We talk nourishing your body, pregnancy & transformative rituals with Olive Cooke
Pregnancy can be a transformative time for the body. How have you approached nourishing your body during these nine months?
Nourishing my body while it creates new life has been something I have really enjoyed. I’ve always loved and appreciated good food, and now, this is the time when it is most important. Whether it is quality ingredients in meals, vitamins, minerals or what I am putting on my skin, it all plays a part in how I feel.
Equally important has been for me to rest and nourish my body as a whole; prioritising acupuncture over the past two years since a previous loss has helped my nervous system through this time of change and facing pregnancy again.
How do you stay active or incorporate movement into your routine while pregnant?
I find movement to be a huge source of calm and reset. I notice, especially mentally, when I haven't made time for it.
Walking my dog every morning, while it sounds mundane (maybe that’s why I love it), brings me so much joy; the simplicity of fresh air and watching the sun rise (if we're lucky!), all keep me connected with myself.
I also love the opportunity to switch off in a Pilates or weights class, like a forced brain calm between the demands of everyday work/life ‘busyness’.
What role does hydration play in your routine, and how do you make sure to stay hydrated throughout the day? I have a long-running joke with girlfriends that my life motto is “stay hydrated” . I don't go a day without saying “Oh, I have to drink more water” out loud.
As much as we hate when someone says their number one beauty tip is hydration, it really is. It’s great for skin, digestion, and everything else that plays a part in this. I always keep a water bottle with me and love adding things like electrolytes and IKKARI tonics, especially when it’s flavoured; this keeps it exciting if you're not a natural water drinker.
How do you approach body care, like moisturising or massaging?
This is something I have made more time for while pregnant. I have a scar from an ectopic pregnancy on my stomach and it has been so important for me to keep this moisturised especially as I am growing.
Hopefully this is something I continue to do after baby even if very occasionally as it feels so great to take the time, also my skin is loving all this extra attention and hydration through summer! Cue The Ikkarian Body Oil.
What practices or rituals do you find particularly grounding and calming for your soul?
I am a creature of habit and find every day routine grounding and calming. Simple things like starting my day with moving my body, prioritising a weekly acupuncture appointment and making sure I am taking time away from work are all things that keep me grounded.
On a general level, making something with my hands is particularly calming. It could be cooking, sewing or researching something for a project that takes my full focus and brings my mind back to the simple things. A soak in the bath also goes a long way at the end of the day. It quite physically calms the whole body, so it always feels like a treat and helps me sleep.
Have you incorporated any forms of creative expression, like journaling or art? I have never been into journaling, but I have created a life around expressing myself through different forms of making. Whether it is the design process of homewares, swimwear, prints, photography or even creating a space in our home, I could spend hours playing with colour and texture or researching something for a bedroom.
How do you plan to continue nourishing yourself after the baby arrives, especially as you adjust to motherhood?
I’m trying not to have any expectations on how I will adjust to motherhood, but I think food and quality supplements will be my number one for body nourishment once the baby is here. I am sure I won’t have time for those long baths or ‘everything showers’ for a while, so the more I can nourish from within, the better.